Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How do I find the password or passkey for linksys router?

How do I find the password or passkey for my linksys cisco router? It works for the PC but I'm trying to make it work on a netbook. I don't want to reset it because it took ages on the phone with the company to set the whole system up. Thank you.|||google it..seriously...the username might be admin and password might be blank or "admin" or "administrator" or "12345" google it...|||Log onto your router (should get you into the routers settings) there you can scroll through to find your password and access key section and there you can retrieve your key

You can have the same key or you can use another there should be a box to select and supply you with a fresh key for your net-book and then you can save that to your net-book's system so you only need to enter it the once.

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